Monthly Round Up

April 2020 Round Up

April 2020 Round up

This is going to be a tricky round up to write.

At the moment, the whole of the world is paused. A viral pandemic is sweeping the world and we are locked in our homes as requested by the heads of our countries for the foreseeable future.

You think i’m joking? I’m really not! The virus known as COVID19 or the Corona Virus has taken hold and is killing off people by the thousands. So what is included in our April 2020 round up?

#UK Lockdown April 2020

The government have had to put provisions in place to shut down all social events. All social places, workplaces and even open public spaces, to try and heed the virus. The virus is spread through human contact, through coughing and saliva, so the less we have in contact with each other, the better.

As it takes its toll on the elderly and those with existing medical needs, the people in these groups need to be shielded for a minimum of 12 weeks.

No Work. No School.

I stopped working on the 25th March, The kids had their last day of school on the 21st March. 4 of us have been in the house now for 4 weeks straight. We have not seen any of our relatives or friends. We have only had physical contact with each other, so we don’t become infected or become carriers without realising. Only one of us are allowed to go to the supermarket, and we have to wait in line, 2 metres away from everybody else while we shop.

We have had ups and downs, but we are learning to cope with being around each other 24/7. We have adapted to a new routine. School work is done leisurely using whatever resources we can find. BBC Bitesize has been a godsend in giving the kids suitable activities to follow every day.

Our routine looks like this:

8-9am. Breakfast, washed, dressed and a bit of lego play.

9.30-11.00 – English

11.00-12.00- Snack time. Exercise or lego play.

12.00-1.00- Maths

1.00- 2.00pm. Lunch and Disney Plus+ (more often than not we watch a movie while eating our lunch and run over the 2pm time limit!)

Afternoon – Topic work such as first aid, St Georges Day, Darwin, volcanoes, or whatever subject we like. We have had a go at map reading, Earth Day activities and climate change responsibilities.

New Opportunities

The world has been our oyster in this lock down period and has given us time to do things that we wouldn’t have thought about otherwise.

I have broken my paints in after a few years hiatus, completed a few jigsaw puzzles and our new responsibilities as OS GetOutside Champions have brought a few opportunities our way too.

We have decorated our bedroom, bought and erected Finley’s new bed. Sorted out the garden and had time to keep up with chores.

Silver Linings

In times like these,we have to think of the silver linings. We have explored pastures new, but local. Saturday the 25th, we ended up walking nearly 9 miles along the canal. The kids saw birds and fish they wouldn’t have seen if we were on the streets or up the hills. We chatted and learned new things.

And the kids will remember these strange times, where they were home schooled learning topics that school wouldn’t even think about. Where we sat and watched the Avenger series in consecutive order. Everyday we laughed at some point, even if we were crying an hour earlier. We took part with challenges like running up our stairs as many times as we could, or having Nerf Wars out in the garden.

What Will May Bring?

Hopefully, May will see us returning to a level of normality. Most of our original travel plans have been scrapped, but we are planning new adventures for the rest of the year. There will be no overseas travel, but we will definitely be heading to the hills once we are allowed. Keep up to date with Instagram and Facebook to see what we will be getting up to.

But. The first place we will be heading to, is the beach!

For more posts like the April 2020 round up, see March 2020 round up or February 2020 Round Up.

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