The Best Outdoor Learning Resources

2020 is certainly proving to be a strange year. Just as we are getting ourselves comfy in a new decade, the Corona virus hits and we are thrown into a perpetual state of limbo. Shops are cancelled, work is cancelled, school is cancelled. So what do we do? How are we supposed to educate our children, while working at home and trying to keep a varied and exciting structure to the day?
If, like us, you want to educate your children about the great outdoors, take a look at the best outdoor learning resources I have gathered.

Twinkl is a great resource for all things educational. Printable charts and hunt sheets are available to print off (or copy if you don’t have access to a printer). These are a great way to introduce children to the outdoors. At the moment, all of the Twinkl site is free during the Corona virus pandemic. Subject to change within their terms and conditions. There is usually a subscription fee depending on the type of membership you require.
Learning through landscapes
A great collection of outdoor activities that incorporate school subjects into the outdoors. The site offers free ideas to outdoor play; including how to whittle, bird watching, Chinese whispers and creative writing. I’ve actually got this site bookmarked and have been enjoying having a go at some of the activities on offer.
Woodland Trust
If you have a community and a patch of green space available, you can sign up to the Woodland Trust learning hub and grow your own trees. Pick which ones suit you best and they send out the trees in the post. Simply plant them and watch them grow, while learning about tree infrastructure and the wildlife around it. They also have a blog with ideas on how to keep the kids entertained during this current crisis.
Outdoor Classroom Day
A global initiative to take lessons outdoors.
Outdoor learning improves children’s health, engages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature. Play not only teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity, but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood.
-Outdoor Classroom Day website.
As we are all aware, the outdoors has many benefits. And to introduce those benefits in to a school environment will do so much for a childs education. Sign up to the Outdoor Classroom Day and introduce your school to the wonders of outdoor learning.
In the current climate, the May date will not be possible to encourage, but you can still take your home learning outside. Plan a day outdoors and use their resources to help with ideas and practice for November 5th!
Outdoor Learning Made Easy
For just £5 per year, you will receive new resources every month for outdoor learning. Combining several subjects into a few pages of work, children will have fun following along with the animal companions. Ideas are seasonal and follow along with the current conditions for animal spotting, flower growing and crafting activities for the children to complete. A fantastic resource for minimal cost.
Other Ideas
These are websites based mostly on education and children, but there are other sites that you can grab resources from too.
Ordnance Survey’s new GetOutsideInside Hub has Map reading resources and other printable activities for children.
Forestry England have activity packs available to download.
Or, for a more relaxed approach to spending time outdoors, see my previous posts for a few ideas.