Not Quite Hiking

HikerKidz Swap Shop

HikerKidz Swap Shop

What is the HikerKidz Swap Shop? The HikerKidz Swap Shop is a place where we can exchange kids outdoor gear,…
An Injury On The Playground

An Injury On The Playground

Finley recently had an accident while playing on a simple seesaw at a local National Trust property. I was asked…
How The Outdoors Can Protect Your Child’s Eyesight

How The Outdoors Can Protect Your Child’s Eyesight

Lockdown has had many affects on all parts of our lives. From physical and mental changes, in adults and in…
What Are We Doing For 30 Days Wild?

What Are We Doing For 30 Days Wild?

30 Days Wild happens every June, every year. The Wildlife Trust champions this month of outdoor wild activities, to raise…
Step Up To The Challenge.

Step Up To The Challenge.

As we are confined to our houses for the foreseeable future, many of us are missing our mountain fix. We…
How To Plan To Walk Hadrians Wall With Kids

How To Plan To Walk Hadrians Wall With Kids

Well this is not an easy feat. Lots of brain work is happening. Logic, common sense and direction is all…
Our 2020 Adventure Goals.

Our 2020 Adventure Goals.

2020 will see us facing new challenges and having lots of adventures. Plans are already in the making for certain…
Our Favourite Hikes in 2019

Our Favourite Hikes in 2019

This year has been a fun filled year of adventures all over the country. We had a few holidays, made…
Where It All Started.

Where It All Started.

Where it all started. ‘Where are we going?’‘There and back to see how far it is’. Standard response to a…
The Aftermath of Hiking

The Aftermath of Hiking

The Aftermath of Hiking.Nobody speaks of what happens after a hike. The terror, the things you may unveil. Unearthing snails…
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