January 2021 Round Up

What a quiet start to the year. The UK has been plunged into another lockdown. Children went back to school for one day, before they got shut down again. We are confined to our homes, only going out to work if we are keyworkers or in construction. Shops are shut if they are non-essential, and we are being asked to stay within our local areas to exercise. Our January 2021 round up is not going to be very exciting!

On the first day of the year, we managed to get out for a walk before lockdown well and truly hit. We stayed pretty local (unlike previous years) and explored the StarDisc at Stoneywood. An interesting sculpture, packed full of learning opportunities and things to talk about for the weekend. We had a good day our in the fresh air and started the year on a good note.

On the day of Finely’s accident (see December round up), his dad was at work. We wanted to go back to where it happened to see if the seesaw was at fault and so Finley could walk through and dispel any fears he may have about what happened. We headed back to Whitwick Manor in the snow and explored the grounds once more. I had a few flashbacks and wasn’t too happy about reliving it, but the staff were pleasant and remembered Finley.

Homeschooling is well and truly in flow and we are having to be creative with our outdoor time. The kids are having live lessons, which means we are stuck to a timetable. We either go for a litter pick at lunchtime, or, as the nights are becoming a little bit lighter, we head out in the afternoons.
Snow is falling again, so we head to a very local hill to try our hand at sledding. Simple classic fun. The kids have a whale of a time running up and taking it in turns to slide back down. The snow makes everything look so beautiful and clean and I felt at peace watching the kids have their fun.

By the end of January, we are settled into a routine, learning to take each day as it comes and not stressing about school work too much. The kids are learning so much when it comes to life, that will help them in their adult years. We bake, cook, care for our environment. We walk and talk and laugh, craft and experiment and create.

I had my first vaccine, and February is looking to be a more positive month for the UK in general. There is a light slowly forming at the end of the tunnel. We have tentatively booked our first break away for the year, so fingers crossed that will come to fruition in July!
I hope you are all well and that life will restore to some ‘normality’ soon.