November 2020 Round Up

Lockdown 2.0 is forced upon most of the country. Thankfully, Dicky and I are still able to work, and the kids are still going to school.
We started the month with a bike ride around Draycote water. This finished off our WildWeek for the Wildlife Trusts. Draycote Water has a fantastic 5 mile cycle and walking route around the reservoir. It is mostly flat, but does have some up and down areas which can propel you quite fast. As Molly unfortunately found out. Thankfully, she had a helmet on, or her accident could have been quite a lot worse.
Because hospitality has closed again, my mom had a few weeks off work. She accompanied me on a nice wander around Cannock Chase, to a few areas we haven’t been to before. We started by the war memorial and wandered around Sherbrook Valley. Have you been to Freda’s grave? Freda is a service dog from WW1, who has a memorial dedicated to her on the Chase. It was nice, having some mother daughter time, with no children interrupting! We covered 6 miles and had a good old natter along the way.
After my trip to Cannock Chase last week, I took the kids back to find the stepping stones. We parked at the punchbowl and walked 10 minutes to the famous stepping stones. The kids are drawn to water and enjoyed stomping around, while Finley tested out his new Cotswold Shoes walking boots. They actually did really well and his feet stayed lovely and dry. The route is now written up on the West Midlands page if you want to have a look!
The last weekend of the month took us to Giddy Edge in Matlock. I have been wanting to do this walk for ages, and was pleased we finally made it. It’s not for the faint hearted as the drop is what it says. A giddy edge! The kids loved it, even though the walk was shorter than we normally would have done. We had a wander through Matlock, taking in the festive atmosphere and the lovely lights. The kids found the playground and it was just a nice day overall.

So, not a very eventful month, but we managed a few walks here and there. The kids were back at school for a few weeks and everything felt a little bit normal for a while.
Other Tidbits
Finley had quite a bad allergic reaction to some soap I had in the bathroom, which was a little concerning. His face blew up and burned. So we have had to source a more natural soap for him. The lovely people at CastleHouse Made, on Instagram sent a few samples. I am happy to report they are lovely and so I purchased a good supply for him to use. Go and check out a lovely small business, with really nice natural products.
Fingers crossed the end of the year perks up!