HikerKidz Swap Shop
What is the HikerKidz Swap Shop?
The HikerKidz Swap Shop is a place where we can exchange kids outdoor gear, for low to no cost. I want my children’s clothes to be handed down to families in need, who want to experience the outdoors, but feel held back by gear restrictions. When we started out, we didn’t have the most technical clothes, or the most waterproof shoes. Having 3 children, sometimes we needed to compromise on cost. As time has progressed, we have upgraded things here and there, so want to pass them on to families who will enjoy them as much as we have.
Post Lockdown Life
The outdoors has become a big part of life for a lot of families, after the current global pandemic, and it would be great for them to carry on enjoying it. The possibilities are endless but can also get expensive! The HikerKidz Swap Shop will hopefully keep costs down for families and still allow them to carry on enjoying the outdoors.
There’s no fee to join and you can sign up to the newsletter if you want to keep an eye on new items coming in to the swap shop.
All items will have a relevant description. They may be second hand or new with tags, but this will be clearly explained. As well as ages, specifications and, if you are able to collect in person ( due to covid rules, we may have to stick to posting for the moment).
Requesting Items
On our social media, you have the option to ask for items, or request items across our members. For example, if you are planning a holiday to a snowy part of the world, and want a pair of boots just for the occasion, you can request them. But, we may ask that you then put them back in the Swap Shop when you are finished with them.
Only Pay Postage
All that we ask of the swaps, are postage costs. These will go back to the person who is providing the item. If you are really struggling, I can reimburse the cost of postage, with proof of receipt.
Carry On The Chain
The idea is that if you have received/requested an item, that you put something back in, in order to keep the sustainability going.
Sometimes these items go to charity shops, and will stay unpurchased because people don’t see them there. This way, the Swap Shop will direct items to those who will use them the most.
So, dig out those snowsuits, shoes, backpacks and walking poles that your HikerKid has grown out of. Send them to the Swap Shop and lets give outdoor access to everybody.