Days Out

Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest

Today is Easter Sunday. So, to balance the breakfast of chocolates and marshmallows we decide to go for a walk. We had been recommended Sherwood Forest by an Instagram friend @itsajameslife so we thought we would check it out. We told the kids where we were going and immediately they gathered their mismatched bows and arrows, and declared war upon the merry men. After a fairly reasonable drive we entered the Sherwood Forest car park, paid our pennies to the meter gods and shrugged on our backpacks, ready to take on the hike.

The Main Man

We are greeted immediately with a statue of the man himself; Robin Hood. Centered in all his glory in the middle of a rotunda. Circled by a gift shop, information center, toilet facilities and a learning room. Everything is well laid out. We wandered over to the information center to grab a map of the area so we knew where we would inevitably get lost.

As it is Easter, we are given the chance to complete an egg hunt. The kids snapped up a leaflet each and a pencil. The task is to find the coloured eggs on the trees and the numbers associated with them. Then complete the sums on the paper. A prize is awarded if they get the final answer correct.

On we walk, looking upwards and marveling at the funny shapes of the birch trees, working out the sums as we go along. The weather is cool and there are a few people mulling along. Every so often there is an information board labeling different types of trees or wildlife in the area. The egg hunt also provided information and a bit of history about the area as we walk between each section.

The Major Oak

Eventually we came upon the Major Oak. Dicky got very excited at this point (I’d like to make it known that this isn’t a euphemism, and that Dicky is a person!) as he’s seen the Robin Hood movies and would like to think of himself as a bit of an outlaw. The tree is magnificent, an estimated 800-1000 years old and has been the epicenter for many adventures. Robin Hood and his merry men slept in the tree, and hid themselves away from those who sought after them.

The tree has survived many wars and winters and is a true marvel to look at, even with all the supporting scaffolding. As we were standing ogling the tree, a few characters came to have a duel with the children. Swords are brandished and giggles are heard emanating through the forest.

We moved on, completing the Easter egg hunt. At the finish we traded in the filled in cards for a chocolate reward. There’s nothing more content than a child worn out from combat munching on sweet treats.


Sherwood Forest is a fantastic, free expedition into a large portion of history from folklore, books and movies. We had a very fun and educational day out, and the kids loved all of the interaction.

Full of facts and activities, I would recommend Sherwood Forest for ages 0-100. It is very accessible for pushchairs and the walkways are very clearly marked. I am sure we will return and will keep an eye out for any special occasions.

Postcode: NG21 9HN

Free admission but the car park costs a few pounds. Take some change!

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