Monthly Round Up

May 2020 Round Up

The end of May saw us complete 67 days in ‘lockdown’. The country has been united by clapping and then torn apart by politics and government figures flouting the rules. I am quite ignorant when it comes to things like that, so I will never share my opinion unless asked. No politics over here!
Regardless, we have had quite an eventful month. Home schooling has still been a feature of the weekdays, and it has been lovely to spend the full weekend as a family as usually I work Saturdays. So, what have we got up to in our May 2020 round up?


We finally decorated our bedroom, in a blush pink and white, with a wonderful mural of Paris on one wall. Unfortunately, we can’t go back this year as planned, so I will have to look at my wall and pretend instead! Small bits around the house have been completed. It finally seems as though the house has more order to it. This forced house time has had it’s benefits!

VE Day

I think the kids have celebrated more English related holidays and learned more about their home country while being at home. We dressed up for VE day and had a garden party outside, just the 5 of us. We played 1940’s music, baked a 1940’s cake and played 1940’s games! The kids learned about the war and what it meant for our country, while enjoying themselves too.

Lockdown Birthdays

We had a birthday in lockdown! Dicky celebrated another year on earth. Sadly it wasn’t in very much style, but he had a few gifts and cards. I managed to make this gorgeous Malteser drip cake, which he loved! My mother also celebrated hers, so we had a socially distanced visit in her back garden with some hand made cards!

Family Quiz Night

Every Sunday at 8pm, we huddle around the iPad for a family quiz with my mother and 2 brothers. It started off as just a chat and has now developed into a full blown cheesy quiz, with catchy jingles and dressing up themes! Honestly, it is the highlight of my week, and I have spoken more to my brothers in the last 10 weeks, than I have in a year!

Getting Creative

I have picked up the paintbrushes again, after a very long hiatus. I must say, I have enjoyed it, and have been doing more things for myself during this period, rather than housework and cooking!
We also got creative with a competition from Berghaus, to recreate some of our adventure photos. The kids were involved in this one and we had fun reminiscing about past adventures.
I also had to learn how to cut hair, as the boys would be looking like gorillas if they went any longer without a cut!

Easing Lockdown

As the rules came in for easing lockdown, we are now able to drive for exercise and be out longer during the day. This gave a lot of people the impression that they could go anywhere and do anything, but we are still quite hesitant.

With this new freedom, we did go out in the car, but we travelled 20 minutes from our doorstep, to places familiar to us. We explored local trails close to home, and unearthed public footpaths that we would never have thought twice about previously.

Wrens Nest is very close to us, so we ventured out for a bit of fossil hunting. This tied in nicely with school work and also kept the kids entertained. They were happy to sit and sift through the rocks for a good half an hour, while I soaked up all the fresh air.

Cannock Chase is also local to us. We met my mother for a socially distanced walk around, feeling a little bit more free as the day wore on. I must admit, it certainly feels strange to be out and about at our own will. But, I know that we are sensible, and will protect ourselves and others at any cost.

End of the Month.

The month has ended with a lovely walk, a little further out, to the Peak District. We explored Three Shires Head and had a paddle in the river. We ate lunch, basked in the sunshine and enjoyed being outside. I have had the call to go back to work in 2 weeks, so I would like to use this free time as best as I can. There is still room in the memory bank for a few more lockdown experiences!

I hope you are all well and coping OK in the current situation. It is hard sometimes. I have cried for many reasons during these last 10 weeks, but I am also grateful to be able to have the time as a family. I used to work full-time and missed out on so many of the kids experiences. So I feel like I am now making up the lost time.

Now is the time to plan for new adventures (as all of our 2020 goals have been smushed!) and be excited about the rest of the year.

If you would like to read more like May 2020 Round Up, check out:

April 2020 Round Up

March 2020 Round up

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