HikerKidz at Mam Tor

Hikerkidz at Mam Tor
Our first HikerKidz meet up was organised through Instagram as an initiative to get more families and children to enjoy the outdoors. We enjoy the freedom of being outside and love to share the experience with others.
We arranged to meet a family at the base of Mam Tor, in the Peak District on a windy January day. Unfortunately a few others had dropped out due to the weather but we went on regardless.

Getting To Know Each Other
We had met the family before on Ordnance Survey’s GetOutside day in September the previous year, but we were still new to each other.
We started out up the hill and immediately felt as though something wasn’t right. The wind was very strong and even pulled out my bobble from my hair. The kids were clinging to my legs, and honestly, i could have lost Molly if I let her go!

We abandoned Mam Tor and decided to head around the base instead. We crossed Windy Knoll and explored the caves in the ground, and made our way over to the broken road. This is a landslip that occured in the 1970’s that closed the road. It is now a haven for bikers and walkers alike. The kids ran and jumped across the tarmac while we carried on across and up to Winnats Pass.

Happy Hikerkidz
Winnats Pass got windier and steeper as we climbed, a hard slog through the bitter wind. The kids were joyful still and with the promise of a goody bag, they made it up through the valley.

It was a successful first meet up, despite the weather. We connected with another like-minded family and set the wheels in motion for more group walks in the future. If you like Hikerkidz at Mam Tor, maybe you would like to join us? Head over to the Facebook page for more details, or for first look information, why not sign up to our newsletter?