Tips and Tricks

Essentials for Hiking with Kids

We all know that kids come with kit. Whether that’s at home, on holiday or just going to the local shops.

When heading out to the great outdoors or camping in the middle of nowhere, there are a few things you should have to hand at all times.


Kids cry, snot, leak, and generally exude all manner of liquids. We always have pocket tissues and a big loo roll stuffed into the bottom of the bag to mop up any accidents.

Carrier bag.

A handy tool to replace portaloos, cover up pushchair wheels when they get too muddy. Putting over wet boots (or casts as we’ve had to do with our son!), using as a rubbish bag or a sick bucket; a carrier bag has many uses. It can also be folded up and lined under said loo roll to prevent it getting wet.

First aid kit.

For the inevitable falls and scrapes among the rocks. We use this one from decathlon and we added a small whistle for emergencies. Or to call the kids back when they’re running off too far!

A map and compass

If I know we are headed somewhere remote I like to get a map of the area for if modern technology fails. Which it does tend to. But, I am also a stubborn bugger who likes an old fashioned pen and piece of paper! And, it’s good to teach the kids how to map read if ever they get stuck somewhere. The old way is usually the best way.

Pocket knife.

How bushcraft survival of us to carry a pocket Swiss fandangled knife – come screwdriver – come flint fire starter. It’s actually used for hacking sticks down to size for the kids to use as walking aids or to open the packet of biscuits in the car on the way home.

Tarpaulin and paracord

This carries many uses. It’s light enough to fold and carry. Big enough to string up and make a shelter out of the rain or just to lie out on the ground for a picnic blanket.


‘That’s an odd item’, you think. But, a lollipop also has many uses. A crying child? Give him a lollipop. Need a drink but run out of water? Have a lollipop. Need to keep a child moving? Hang a lollipop on the back of your back pack. Said child will keep up at your pace. A pack of 20 lollipops could be the best thing you’ll buy all day.


Hands up if you’ve pulled into a car park and had to immediately swerve back out to google the nearest cash machine? Too many times we’ve been caught out by pesky little car park appliances. We now keep a few pound coins in a compartment in the car for hungry meters.


This one is pretty obvious. After a long day, lots of conditions can results in a headache. The sun, dehydration, altitude, screaming kids. Paracetamol will help the drive home feel more pleasurable.

Talcum Powder

This is actually a very nifty hint. Talc can help soothe wet sweaty feet. If it has been raining too hard and you feel stuck to your thermals, talcum powder will bring your cold chapped skin back to baby soft. Also, if you’re having a beach day, talc will rid the crevices of sand grains to enable the kids to put their shoes back on to get your fish and chips. Magic stuff.

If you’ve got anything else to contribute, let me know and I’ll pop it in the list. We love a multi use item and if it’s space saving, then all the better.

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